Wednesday, July 3, 2013

5 minutes more, please!

Finished editing the 5 minute poses with just enough time to rush to get ready for my night hike! Ah~ blogging is like marking a big ol' check on my to-do list! Feeling accomplished gives me peace of mind :) Here they are!

5 minute poses

Monday, July 1, 2013

What I've been doing lately

Here are my figure drawings of the past 2 years. I figured (hehe) I should just get past this daunting task now and sort through them early to prep for portfolio review in the fall. I separated the poses into several different pages and I packed each page as much as I could so I can pick and choose which drawings I want with ease when the time comes. 

2 hours to sort; 1.5 hours to photograph; 2.5 hours to crop & export the photos; still editing.
1 minute poses.

3 full pages of 2 minute poses o___o;

Guh my eyes hurt so I will attempt the longer poses another day.

Thanks for dropping by <3